Families of the Time For Truth Campaign hand over 6000 responses to the legacy consultation

Sign the Petition

The families of the Time for Truth Campaign are calling for friends, families and supporters to sign a petition in support of their 3 demands at locations throughout Belfast tomorrow (16th February 2019). The 3 demands are:

1. Implement and adequately resource the Stormont House Agreement legacy mechanisms in a human rights compliant manner

2. Adequately resource the Lord Chief Justice’s 5-year plan to clear the backlog in legacy inquests

3. Adequately resource the Office of the Police Ombudsman to allow it to complete outstanding historical investigations

Spokesperson for the Time for Truth Campaign, Ciarán MacAirt said:

“Sign the petition to show your support for victims and survivors across the community who are still denied their basic human rights. Just look at the news this week. Families from the Ormeau Road have been failed yet again by police investigating atrocities in the past. Hundreds of other families are experiencing the same and are being re-traumatized on a daily basis. This could be our final opportunity to deal with the past for families across the community. Sign the petition and support the Time for Truth Campaign.”

Call to Action: Sign the Petition

Why: Support the 3 Demands of the Time for Truth Campaign

Date: Saturday, 16th February 2019

Where and When:

West Belfast                                                               North Belfast

Colin, Falls – Dairy Farm  11am–2pm                        Flax Centre  11am–2pm

Kennedy Centre   10am–5pm                                    New Lodge (McLaughlins) 11am-2pm

Top of the Rock, outside Spar  10am–1.30pm          Ligoneil  11am–2pm

Saveway (Springfield Road) – 12–3pm

Bottom of Whiterock – 12-3pm

East Belfast                                                                 South Belfast

Short Strand / Ballymacarret 11am–2pm                 Ormeau Road 11am–2pm

Centre of Belfast

Black Taxi Depot  King Street 12–3pm


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