A delegation on behalf of the Time for Truth Campaign will submit a petition with 15,000+ signatures supporting its objectives to the Northern Ireland Office (NIO).
The petition is being submitted to the NIO at Stormont House, Belfast, on World Human Rights Day (Thursday 10th December 2020).
At the same time (11:45 am), Time for Truth families will protest across the country against the ongoing intransigence and ill-will of the British state in dealing with the legacy of the conflict. Strict social distancing rules will apply.
- Who: Time for Truth Campaign Families led by campaigner, Jude Whyte
- Where: Meeting at Edward Carson Statue, Stormont; protests across Ireland
- Why: Protest petition to NIO; Support for Time for Truth Campaign and World Human Rights Day
- When: 11:45 am, Thursday 10th December 2020, campaigners available for interview at Stormont
The families of the Time for Truth Campaign will highlight the ongoing failure of the British state to deal with the legacy of conflict along with our commitment to:
1. The implementation of the Stormont House Agreement and the proper resourcing of mechanisms for dealing with the legacy of the past;
2. An independent, Article 2-compliant Inquiry into the British state murder of Human Rights solicitor, Pat Finucane;
3. A Victims’ Payment/Pension Scheme for all victims and survivors of the conflict.
Time for Truth spokesperson, Ciarán MacAirt, said:
“The British Government has been sneaking under the cover of Covid-19 and the horrific impact of a global pandemic to force highly discriminatory legacy policies upon victims and survivors of the conflict.”
“The continued denial of basic human rights to victims and survivors is because Britain wishes to bury its war crimes and protect its own killers.”
“The British Government ignored 14,875 of our responses to its consultation, Addressing the Legacy of the Past in Northern Ireland. The British Government ignored thousands of our families and supporters who walked with us on two Time for Truth Marches in Belfast.”
“On World Human Rights Day, we are submitting a petition with 15K+ signatures supporting the Time for Truth Campaign and remind the British Government that we demand the implementation of the Stormont House Agreement as agreed by it, the Irish government and the main parties six years ago. We will also reiterate our support for a robust and independent Inquiry into the British state murder of Human Rights lawyer, Pat Finucane; and a Victims’ Payment for all injured victims.” /ENDS

Notes for Editors:
For further comment, email Ciarán info@tftcampaign.com
– The Time for Truth Campaign is made up of families from across the country who are victims and survivors of the conflict. Further info here.
– Jude Whyte’s mother, Margaret, was killed in a UVF bomb attack on the family home in 1984. RUC Constable Michael Dawson was killed with her when attending the scene. Jude is a former member of the Victims’ Forum.