Call to Action: Protest the Bill of Shame. Time for Truth.
Families of the Time for Truth Campaign will be protesting the Northern Ireland Office (NIO) building in Belfast City Centre to coincide with the next stage of the British Tories’ Legacy Bill in the House of Lords, London (1pm, Wednesday 29th March 2023).
Family members will be available for interview at the protest to discuss the “Bill of Shame”.
What/Who: Families of the Time for Truth Campaign Protest
Why: Protest against the Tory Legacy Bill, Britain’s Bill of Shame
When: Wednesday, 29th March 2023 at 1pm
Where: NIO, Erskine House, 20 – 32 Chichester Street, Belfast, BT1 4GF
Ciarán MacAirt, spokesperson for the Time for Truth Campaign said:
“The families of the Time for Truth Campaign will protest the Northern Ireland Office to coincide with the next stage of Britain’s pernicious Legacy Bill in the British House of Lords.”
“This Bill of Shame is an attack on our basic human rights by a human rights abuser. Britain seeks to block our equal access to due process of the law enjoyed by British citizens. The reason is simple: Britain wants to bury its war crimes in Ireland and protect its killers.”
“All political parties on this island, the Irish Government, and key human rights stakeholders reject this Bill of Shame. Significantly, leading political figures in the United States and the EU reject it too.”
“Our families have fought it at every stage, and we will be protesting it again at NIO Offices in Belfast City Centre at 1pm, Wednesday 29th March. Victims and survivors of the conflict can join us there.
“We demand the human rights compliant implementation of the Stormont House Agreement which was agreed by political parties and the Irish and British governments in 2014.”
“Any approach to the legacy of the conflict on these islands must be human rights compliant, it must uphold the rights of victims and it must uphold the rule of law.” /ENDS
Notes for Editors
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